Praha Music Center, Official andExclusive distributor for dBTechnologies in Slovakia and Czech Republik,organized on the 21st October a dBTechnologies demo day...
George Thorogood and the Destroyers chosedBTechnologies for their 40 Years Strong Tour (US). 242 Productions’ Jeff Pitt says they used DVX-DM28sand the new...
Paul Panzer (Dieter Tappert), is a successful german entertainer and comedian who is now touring Germany with his third live act, Alles auf Anfang (Reset...
EngineersMiddle East (EME) has been appointed by dB Technologies as its new distributorfor UAE.Inview of a crucial development of their Professional Audio...
Páko Kft, official dBTechnologies’ distributorfor Hungary took part at the 2014 edition of Budapest Music Expo held at SYMAHall in Budapest from October 3rd to...
DVX Passive series will be presented at dBTechnologies' booth Some of the latest and best selling dBTechnologies products will be displayed at Pro Light +...